Find A Random, Fun Thing to Do in DC Every Single Day By Following #FrayLifeDaily on Instagram



If you’ve been here before, you probably know a bit about #FrayLife.

We help make fun possible for you by highlighting the coolest events, recreational activities, and other things for young adults to do in DC.

Every week, we publish fresh content on our blog and social channels, but now we’re stepping up our game to help you find a little bit of fun in Every. Single. Day.

With that, we’re excited to announce our latest Instagram series: #FrayLifeDaily

Part informational, part aspirational, part inspirational, and 100% fun.

Each and every day, we’ll call out one specific thing in DC for you to go do/try/check out. It might be something big, something small, something silly, or something else ranging from happy hours to secret spots around the city to creative workout plans.

The only way to find out (and prevent FOMO) is to follow us on IG and check-in daily.

Here are a few examples of the fun ideas you can expect. Don’t forget to share your own ideas for cool things to do around DC by tagging #FrayLife in your social posts!


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