DC Dodgeball

Remember the 5 D’s of Dodgeball: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge.

Are you ready to tell your underdog story in our dodgeball league? Grab your sweatbands and your neon nylon shorts: it’s time for dodgeball!

Ready to dodge some balls?

Whether you’re a free agent looking for a team or a captain already in charge, come play with us.

Find a League »

DC Fray #NeverStopPlaying

Find a League

How to register

As an individual

We'll hook you up with a team

As a group

We'll combine your group with others to form a team

As a team

Create a team and your friends can register to join it

Registration Includes

  • A spot on a team, in the sport league of your choice
  • 6 game regular season, tomfoolery & the chance to compete in a playoff tournament
  • Sweet league t-shirt, and season champ trophies
  • Access to TONS of exclusives like; events, parties, giveaways, & trips
  • A chance to make new friends, and reconnect with old ones

Questions? Ask Mitchell Kenigsberg!

If you need help with registration, give us a shout

Skill Levels, Team Sizes, Roster Management

Dodgeball Rules

Good Things to Know & Frequently Asked Q's