Golden Rule


1. Groups of 2-3 players will be elevated to team status. The league will match up any free agents or groups of less than four to form teams. No more than four players will be grouped together when merged by the league without permission from the hosting team. Teams may have more players as alternates on their team to avoid forfeits and for use as Subs. For all teams, a minimum of two players must be present to play in order to avoid a forfeit. In addition, if four or more players show up it is the discretion of the captain to rotate players into gameplay.

2. Each team will have a captain, who will be the official representative to the league and will be responsible for communicating messages from the league. A co-captain is also highly encouraged.

A. While phone numbers are an option for regular players, all captains must ensure that their profiles have an accurate phone number listed. This is used during urgent communications between the league and captains and will never be shared with third parties.

3. The season schedule will be posted on your player portal. Teams should reference the schedule to plan for their scheduled match and to connect with their opposing teams.

4. Players must be registered (and paid in full) to play and to be counted towards a group’s Team Status.

Game Play

1. Upon arrival, captains will connect with their opponents. To ensure that the shuffleboard games are compact by the bar and to easily find opponents players are required to wear their Shuffleboard team shirts.

2. If there are no other teams playing play can begin immediately.

3. If the tables are occupied by other league teams captains will write their team names on the waiting list (white or chalk board provided by the bar) or verbally place themselves in line by speaking to the team currently playing.

4. Captains will print off score sheets from the website prior to arrival. They will be responsible for score keeping. If there is a dispute in score keeping, and it cannot be settled, captains and their teams will leave the area of play. Once all games of regular play have been completed the teams with disputes will re-enter the area of play and hold a rematch. Teams will then submit scores for their rematch to the league organizer through email.

5. Games will follow official shuffleboard rules where not otherwise overrules in this document. See for details.

6. Gameplay will run until one team reaches 21 points or 30 minutes elapses. Whichever occurs first.

7. “Hangers” those pucks hang over the back edge of the board will be scored as 4 points. Pucks hanging over the side edges do not count as hangers.

Play Offs

1. Standing in the league will be determined by wins and losses. The top teams (depending on league size)  will play a single elimination tournament that is held during the end of season party.


1. Teams are encouraged to introduce themselves at the start of their games. Competitors are also encouraged to shake hands afterward.

2. While competition is encouraged, players should remain civilized and friendly at all times. Any player deemed to be acting in an unsportsmanlike manner can be reported to DC Fray by players or bar staff. After receiving one report of unsportsmanlike behavior, a warning will be given. After a second report, the player will be suspended from one game. After a third report, the player will be removed from the league. Examples of unsportsmanlike behavior excessive badgering of players (cussing, shouting, heckling, etc.), excessively rude conduct to other bar patrons or bar staff, and/or cheating. League Reps will have the final decision on any issues regarding enforcement of this rule.

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