History of Kickball

Kickball originally called “Kick Baseball”, was invented around 1917 by Nicholas C. Seuss; Supervisor of Cincinnati Park Playgrounds in Cincinnati, Ohio.  Around 1920-1921 “Kick Ball” was used by physical
education teachers in Public Schools to teach young boys and girls the basics of baseball.

Since its creation kickball has continued to grow in popularity and in the late 1990’s began to enter into the adult social sports realm. Spearheaded by a DC start-up Kickball for adults has spread across the country with groups in nearly every major city getting in on the fun!

Golden Rule

First and foremost all DC Fray leagues are 50% Social and 50% Sport. We do have officials; however, we expect individuals to respect the league’s culture of fair and fun play. Foul language and rough play will not be tolerated and individuals who cannot adhere to our standards of fair play and sportsmanship may be asked to leave the league. DC Fray wants everyone to have a fun and be social while enjoying a great sport. DC Fray will do whatever they can to make sure all players are having fun.

Players/ Teams

DC Fray is proud to relieve captains of the burden of paying for full teams. While captains and players are able to prepay for additional players and or full teams, it is not a requirement for participation in our leagues. We welcome individual player payments.

We are also proud to welcome those who do not have a full team (small groups and free agents) to participate in our league.

Our primary mission is to make it easier for people to have fun and get involved with social sports and these policies help accomplish that goal.

Because of these policies, all registrations are on a first come first serve basis and any roster that does not reach our standard size (based on each sport) is eligible to receive free agents and or small group by the league. Rosters made up of primarily free agents and or a collection of small groups may field more players than the standard roster size. This policy is in place to help ensure free agent teams are able to consistently field teams each week.

1. All players must be 21 years of age or older, have adequate health insurance and must have signed a player waiver and release.

2. Players may only play on a team which they are registered and paid for.

  • Exception: A player may function as a substitute player for another team if said team is short a man or woman. This is ONLY during the regular season.

Teams & Game Play

Each team roster must consist of a minimum of twelve (12) players and no more than 24.

1. A Team roster must include at least 4 females.

2. Teams must field no fewer than 6 players and no more than 8 for field play.

3. At least 2 women must be on the field at all times.

4. The Number of Male players on the field shall be limited by the number of female players on the field Plus 1 at all times.

5. Every player present is required to be in the kicking line up.

  • Exception: An injured player may be removed from the kicking lineup.

The Field

1. The field will be set up in the shape of a triangle.

2. The strike zone will be two foot on either side of home plate.

Player Equipment

1. All players must wear athletic, closed-toe, non-marking footwear applicable to the policies of the facility in which games are being held to be eligible to play DC KICKBALL. NO Cleats are permitted.

2. All players must wear their DCK or DC Fray player t-shirt while playing.

3. A player who has not received a shirt or has misplaced or forgotten a shirt will be permitted to play after the meeting the following requirements:

4. The player must be registered, paid, and in good standing on their teams Roster.

5. The player must have valid identification.

6. If the player is found not to be on the roster after a roster check, the game will be marked as a loss and the game forfeited.

7. Any equipment deemed by the Umpire, as a performance enhancement, must be removed.

Game Equipment

1. DC KICKBALL/UNITED SOCIAL SPORTS will provide the balls, bases and rest of equipment.


1. Referees and ONLY referees may officially call outs/fouls/strikes/etc.; calls made by other people are not valid.

2. The home plate referee is considered the head referee and will make final rulings.

3. Referees must be loud and clear in their calls. Kicked balls are in play unless and until the head referee says otherwise.

4. Captains are the only team members who may argue calls.

5. All rulings not specifically covered in the rules are up to the discretion of the referee.

6. The rules will be updated as needed.


DC Fray Indoor Kickball is a sport, just like any other, and at times, people will get heated during competition. This is expected and understood. However, abusive treatment to referees, other players, or spectators will not be tolerated.

A player may be ejected from the game or the league if they show extreme unsportsmanlike conduct and/or douchebaggery.

Teams on Game Day

1. Teams must kick and field a minimum of six (6) players, of which, three (3) must be male and three (3) must be female. The maximum number of players on the field is eight (8).

2. A maximum of four (4) players of one sex may play in the field at a time.

3. Every team member that shows up must be in the kicking lineup.

  • Exceptions (these players do not count towards player minimums):

– Players, who cannot run, cannot play.

– Players that do not meet the minimum game gear requirements cannot play.

4. There is no gender requirement in the kicking lineup; men and women may kick in any order the captain chooses.  This lineup must be maintained during the duration of the entire game. Any latecomers must be added to the end of the lineup.

5. All players injured during a game may use a pinch runner for that sequence, but after that (s)he must be removed from the lineup. a.  An injury removal will NOT cause a penalty due to the number of players falling below the minimum number.

6. Teams are expected to arrive and be ready for play at their scheduled game time.

7. Teams will be granted a five (5)-minute grace period if they do not have the minimum number of players necessary.

8. After five (5) minutes, the game will commence and the team(s) without the minimum number needed to play will start the game the number of runs down equal to the number of players missing and will have to take one (1) out for each player they are down every time that player’s place comes up in the kicking order.

9. If the missing players show up, they will be added to the lineup in place of the corresponding automatic outs, eliminating the outs in subsequent sequences but not the penalty runs.

10. Once the kicking lineup is set, only players required to meet the minimum number of players may take the place of an out. The player’s (or an out’s) position in the lineup cannot change after that spot comes up in the lineup

11. Team captains DO NOT have the authority to waive these penalties.

12. Games will last six (6) innings or forty (45) minutes for a regulation game.


1. The pitcher must release the ball prior to crossing the pitching strip.  a.   Violations of this rule will result in a ball.

2. The pitcher must be touching the pitching strip when the s(he) releases the ball.

3. Violations of this rule will result in a ball.

4. The pitcher must wait for the kicker and ref to be ready before pitching.

5. There is no encroachment rule.

6. There is a limit of three pitches per kicker.

7. Two balls will result in a walk.

8. Two strikes will result in an out.

9. DCKICKBALL Strike Zone will be the size of the box that will be laid out by (but not include) cones.

10. Strikes

11. Any pitch that crosses the strike zone (without hitting a cone) is a strike.

12. The ball must enter the strike zone between the front cones and leave it between the rear cones to count as a strike.

13. Any pitch at which the kicker swings and misses is a strike.

14. Any ball kicked without hitting anything first that goes through the gap in the dividing curtain or doorway closest to the kicker is a strike. (The head ref will have some discretion to consider a kick as a live ball even if it goes through the closest gap if they believe it was playable.)

15. Any ball kicked while the plant foot of the kicker is completely past the front edge of home plate is a strike. This is considered a live ball “strike” meaning that if the ball is caught, the kicker is out and runners may tag up if they wish.

16. Any kicked ball which contacts the player twice while s(he) is still in the strike zone will be a double kick and also considered a live ball “strike.”

17. The exception to this is if the ball contacts a fielder and strikes the kicker before s(he) leaves the box, the play remains live.

18. Any ball kicked such that it crosses between the rear two cones of the strike zone before contacting anything else (player, wall, etc).

19. Pitches must be thrown underhand at “reasonable speed” without spin, curve or bounce.  Reasonable speed means not fast.  If you have to ask, it’s probably TOO FAST.


1. A count of two (2) strikes.

2. Any player, not on base, tagged or hit with a ball, not in the face/head, whether it is the result of a fielder or the kicker (outside the strike zone).

3. Any time a base is tagged by a fielder in control of the ball, where a runner is forced to run to before the runner gets there.

4. Any ball caught in the air that has not touched the ground. This includes balls that bounce off players, walls, fixtures, ceiling, etc.

5. The runner can be tagged out at any time they are not on a base.

6. Any runner, who attempts to grab the ball or slap the ball away from a fielding player (in motion of tagging them out) OR holds/kicks the ball away from a ball thrown, will be automatically out and no runners will be allowed to advance to the next base or to score. Runners will be forced back to their original position. A runner may be ejected from the game. (See Sportsmanship, Section G.1.c)

Playing the Field

1. Teams may position players however they choose but must have the minimum number of players of each sex (3) to avoid penalty. The maximum is eight (8) players on the field.

2. The intentional blocking of a runner by a fielder will result in the runner being awarded the base to which they were going.

3. Fielders may hit players with the ball to tag them out.

4. Thrown balls must not hit players in the face/head.

5. Thrown balls that hit players in the face/head result in the runner being safe and awarded the base to which they were heading, plus one extra base.

6. The only exception is when a player is not in a “substantially upright position” (e.g. they are sliding or squatting) or intentionally moves their head in an attempt to come in contact with the ball and is hit in the face/head, the player is out.

7. When a ball is overthrown the runners may run until the ball is returned to the pitcher, the pitcher is in the infield and the pitcher is not attempting to make a play.

8. There are no limits to the number of bases a runner may take.

9. The runner can be tagged out at any time they are not on a base.

10. A fielder, in order to tag a player out, advance the ball to another fielder, or return the ball to the field of play may kick the ball.

11. Any ball that is, in the view of the head referee, intentionally dropped by a fielder so as to obtain a double play will not result in an out for any runner

12. All other runners will be permitted to advance one (1) base from their originating base if this occurs.

13. The offending player may be ejected from the game.

14. Any non-fielder yelling “I got it” or anything else to call off or confuse a fielder and/or making gestures to wave off the fielders will be automatically out.

15. The offending player may be ejected from the game.

16. If this occurs by the bench of a team, ALL runners will be out.


1. All kicks must be made below the waist. Contacts above the waist are strikes.

2. All kicks must be made with the plant foot at or behind home plate.

3. A kicked ball must not cross the line created by (and including) the rear cones of the strike zone.

4. Any double kicked ball is counted as a live ball “strike.”

5. Any kicked ball that goes into the other field via the far curtain gap or into the hall way via the far door is a ground-rule double.

6. Any kicked ball that goes through a basketball goal is a grand slam home run.


1. Any runner that touches home plate after touching all other bases in succession will count for one (1) run.

2. Any runner who scores before the final out of an inning will count as one (1) run as long as the last out was NOT a force play or caught ball or tagged out runner on a force play.

Money Ball Inning

1. This will be one inning each game where a special, smaller ball will be used. Runs scored during the Golden Ball inning will count double.

2. The Golden Ball Inning for each team will be decided by the team’s captain before the game starts.


1. There may be up to two runners on one base at a time.

2. Players are considered “on base” if they are touching another player who is touching the base.

3. Players may use this rule in reaching a base safely and in “leading off.”

4. Players may not leave a base until the ball is kicked. (No stealing bases)

5. If this occurs the runner is out and the play is redone.

6. Tagging Up: A tag up occurs after a fielder has caught the ball in the air and the runner touches the originating base and then proceeds to the next base.

7. The runner is considered “tagged up” as soon as the fielder touches the ball, whether there is a bobble, assist or any other delay before the ball is considered caught.

8. The runner will be out if (s)he leaves the base prior to the ball being touched and a fielder either touches the runner or base with the ball.

9. Runners may catch the ball to avoid being out. If this happens, the runner must immediately kick the ball away.

10. If the newly kicked ball is caught in the air, the runner is out.

11. If the runner is tagged out, the runner may not take the ball from the defensive player and kick it. (See Section J.6).

12. The person catching the ball must have been the intended target of the thrower. A runner may not catch a ball thrown to a player on the fielding team, to a base, or thrown at another player on the runner’s team.

13. Players may run in any direction or anywhere to get to the next base in order. There are no baselines.

14. A runner must beat the ball to the base.

15. There are no ties; the referees must make a call.

16. Runners may not overrun any base.

17. Runners that get out during a play should stay clear of the ongoing play as much as possible.

18. Deliberate misdirection or interference (passive or active) by put-out runners will result in the other runners being forced to return to their previous bases.

Delay of Game

1. The pitcher will deliver the ball to the kicker within a reasonable amount of time after (s)he receives the ball and is prompted by the referee. Each time the pitcher delays the game by violating this rule, the referee will call “Ball.”

2. The reasonable time limit starts when the pitcher is in possession of the ball and the kicker is at the plate, alert to the pitcher. The timing stops when the pitcher releases the ball.

3. The kicker will be ready to kick within a reasonable amount of time, decided by the referee. This includes the end of the half of an inning, or after another batter has kicked.

4. An announcement will be made to the team kicking, for the delay. If such announcement has been stated, the pitcher will be directed to pitch the ball, which will be counted as a live pitch, and this may be repeated until the kicker gets to the plate.

5. Teams will have their defense set in a timely manner so as not to delay the game.

6. Once the referee has warned a team regarding this, subsequent delay(s) will result in the referee awarding a walk to the kicking team’s first kicker.

7. If it continues in the same inning, the referee may allow subsequent kickers to be awarded a base as well.


1. Playoffs will be held by conference until the championship game.

2. The team with the better record in each game will be the home team.

3. Playoffs will be single elimination.

4. If one team is ahead by twenty (20) or more runs at the end of four (4) innings, the game will be over.

5. All teams make the playoffs when possible.

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