Golden Rule

First and foremost all DC Fray leagues are 50% Social and 50% Sport. We do have officials; however, we expect individuals to respect the league’s culture of fair and fun play. Foul language and rough play will not be tolerated and individuals who cannot adhere to our standards of fair play and sportsmanship may be asked to leave the league. DC Fray wants everyone to have a fun and be social while enjoying a great sport. DC Fray will do whatever they can to make sure all players are having fun.


DC Fray is proud to relieve captains of the burden of paying for full teams. While captains and players are able to prepay for additional players and or full teams, it is not a requirement for participation in our leagues. We welcome individual player payments.

We are also proud to welcome those who do not have a full team (small groups and free agents) to participate in our league.

Our primary mission is to make it easier for people to have fun and get involved with social sports and these policies help accomplish that goal.

Because of these policies, all registrations are on a first come first serve basis and any roster that does not reach our standard size (based on each sport) is eligible to receive free agents and or small group by the league. Rosters made up of primarily free agents and or a collection of small groups may field more players than the standard roster size. This policy is in place to help ensure free agent teams are able to consistently field teams each week.

Here is the roster size chart for Capital Flag Football. And click here for a list of all sports and their roster size policies.

sport Roster Promotion Size Official Roster Size FA Roster Size MAX Roster Size Female Minimum
Flag Football (7v7) 10 12 16 20 4
Flag Football (5v5) 7 8 10 10 N/A

a. First Downs

Each team shall have 4 downs to either score or earn another first down.

1. First downs are earned each time the ball reaches the next cone from where the ball was originally spotted on the first down.

2. If a team fails to score or earn a first down, possession will go to the other team.

3. The 30-yard marker shall be the first line to gain. After that is reached, the next line to gain shall be the goal line

b. Scoring

i. Six (6) point touchdowns – Choice of one (1) or two (2) extra points on PAT’s    (three (3) paces/yards for one (1)Pt., ten (10) paces/yards for two (2) pts.)

ii. Conversion attempts may NOT be intercepted and returned for points.

c. Quarterbacks cannot snap the ball to themselves.

d. Receivers need only one (1) foot in-bounds with possession of the ball to be considered  a catch.

e. Offensive teams may elect to punt on fourth downs.

1. A punt must be declared and cannot be faked.

2. All punts are “free” punts.

3. A team need not snap the ball during a punt, a dropped snap during a punt is not a fumble.

4. Punts must be kicked. Punts cannot be thrown.

5. There is no minimum number of players required on the line of scrimmage during a punt. NO DOWNFIELD BLOCKING or BLOCKING AT THE LINE OF SCRIMMAGE.

6. The kicking team may not cross the line of scrimmage until the ball is kicked.

7. The receiving team may not raise hands or jump to block a punt.

8. If a punt is “shanked” and caught it is a live ball and is returnable. If the ball comes into contact with the ground after it has been punted it is a dead ball, spotted at the point where it hit the ground, and may not be returned.

9. A punt through the end zone comes back to ten (10) paces/yards off the goal line. If a player drops the ball in the end zone, the ball is again spotted ten (10) paces/yards out from the goal line and isNOTcounted as a safety.

f. Play shall continue until:

i. Ball-carrier has flag pulled off by an opponent.

ii. Ball-carrier leaves the field of play.

iii.Ball-carrier scores.

iv.Ball touches the ground as a result of a fumble, punt or incomplete pass (the ball is not an extension of the arm. If the ball is pinned between the ground and the ball carrier’s hand, the play is dead). Deadball on all fumbles.

v. Ball-Carrier’s knee touches the ground.

vi. The ball will be spotted where the ball is at the time the ball carrier has flag pulled off by an opponent. If the ball crosses the plane of the goal line before the ball carrier’s flag is pulled, it will result in a touchdown (ball extension).

g. Turnovers

i. A change of possession can only occur on an interception of a forward pass or a lateral.

ii. A fumble is not a turnover. The ball is dead at the point of the fumble and the offense retains possession.

iii. A lateral is not a forward pass and can be picked off in mid-air. A picked off lateral will result in a change of possession, and can be returned for a touchdown.

h. Rush

i. In order to better standardize the rush, all Referees will be responsible for shouting out the quick rush count for both teams. The rush will be as follows: “1- One Thousand, 2- One Thousand, 3- One Thousand, 4- One Thousand, 5- One Thousand, GO!!”

ii.  Each Referee will have a different pace and type of count but as long as their count is consistent there will be no standard speed that will be asked of them.

iii.The ref /counter will notify each team if the rush will be after the five (5) count or if it will be after the ref/counter says “Go” either way will be acceptable in allowing the defense to cross the line of scrimmage and pursue the quarterback.

1.There is No Contact at the Line of Scrimmage

i. Players acting as offensive linemen must have hands behind their back or at their side when protecting their quarterback from pursuing defensive rushers.

ii. There is no contact at or behind the line of scrimmage.

iii. Offensive lineman can position their body at any particular angle in an attempt to the direct the rushers to a particular area, but they may not physically direct them.

iv. NO blocking is allowed for DC Fray Touch Football. Players may use their bodies to shield an opposing player by having their arms at their sides or behind their back. This includes downfield blocking and during a returned punt. There is no contact at or behind the line of scrimmage.

2. The Beginning of the Game and Play Format

a. The beginning of the game will start with a coin flip by a DC Fray ref.

i. The winning team will then have one of three options: 1) offense; 2) defense; or 3) direction.

ii. Teams flip-flop direction at the start of the second half.

b. The team that started the game on defense will start the second half on offense and vice-versa.

i. There are no kick-offs.

ii. Play starts ten (10) paces/yards from the designated goal-line.

3. Team Size

a. Teams will consist of five players per side (no gender requirement) for both offense and defense.

b. Teams may have as many players as they would like on their team.

c.. If a team substitutes players during the game, they must do so from the same sideline the entire game. Eligible receivers must be on the playing field before the cadence is started.

4.  Forfeits

a. Teams will have until ten (10) minutes past the designated start time to field a legal team.

b. Shorthanded teams may play a legal game with a minimum of four (4) players.

c. Teams fielding less than 3 players

Exception:Teams may play a “legal game” with less than 3 players with the opposing teams consent. Teams who agree to play under these conditions will lose the option of receiving a forfeit win. Teams may pick up players during the regular season in order to field a full team so long as the number of players picked up does not exceed their opponents number of players. The use of non-roster players will not be allowed during playoffs.

d. During the playoffs, teams may not use subs and may only use players on their roster.

e. Playoff Eligibility: teams that notch 2 or more forfeits during the regular season will not be eligible for the playoffs.

5. Time

a. Play will be divided into (2) 20-minute halves.

b. Teams will have two (2) time-outs per game that may be used at any time.

c. There will be a running clock until the final two (2) minutes of the second half maintained by a Referee. The clock does not stop for a 2-minute warning unless there is a dead ball situation that causes the clock to stop. During the first 38 minutes, the clock runs continuously with the exception of time-outs and serious injury. If a team calls a timeout after a touchdown the clock will not start again until the defensive team takes possession and snaps the ball on offense.

d. Games ending in a tie score will be recorded as tie games during regular season play. Please refer to the OVERTIME section for ties during the playoffs.

e. For the entire game, the offensive team has 30 seconds to snap the ball once the ball has been spotted. If the Referee feels that this is being taken advantage of the Referee will then stop the clock, and penalize the offense 5 paces/yards.

f.   If a team is up by 17 points or more, the clock runs continuously during the last two minutes of play.

g.  During the final 2 minutes of the game, the Referee shall stop the game clock if:

1. An incomplete pass is thrown.

2. a player ends a play by going out of bounds.

3. either team scores (clock will remain off until the opposing team snaps the ball after the PAT attempt; the clock does not run during extra points).

4. change of possession.

5. a penalty which must be marked off occurs.

6. A team calls a time out.

7. The clock will not stop for a “2-minute warning” unless there is a dead ball situation when the clock hits 2 minutes.


6. Penalties

a. Normal rules and penalties of the NCAA apply unless exceptions have been made herein.

b. Illegal Contact :

i.  At or Behind the Line of Scrimmage:

1. In cases where the person(s) acting as the offensive lineman, initiates any contact (at the ref’s discretion), it will be ruled a five (5) pace/yard penalty from the line of scrimmage and we will replay the down.

2. If this contact is deemed excessive by the ref, an “unnecessary roughness” penalty of ten (10) paces/yards can be assessed in addition to the “illegal contact”. Thus making the total penalty fifteen (15) paces/yards.

ii.  Down Field:

1. If the illegal contact occurs during play when the offense is advancing the ball the penalty will be a mark off of five (5) paces/yards from the point where the ball carrier is at the time of the infraction.

2. If this occurs during a pass play when the pass is incomplete, the penalty will be a mark off of five (5) paces/yards from the line of scrimmage.

c.  Offsides/Illegal or Early Rush :

i.  Offensive:

1. Five (5) paces/yards, play is ruled dead immediately, no option to decline, down is replayed.

ii. Defensive:

1. Play will be a free play and will NOT BE BLOWN DEAD.

2. If the penalty is accepted by the offense, there is a five (5) pace/yard mark-off from the line of scrimmage against the defense and the down is repeated.

3. If the penalty is accepted any yardage gained on the play will be nullified. If the penalty is declined, the play will stand and it will be the next down.

d. Illegal Motion:

i. Players may not be in motion towards the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped. This will result in a dead ball, five (5) pace/yard penalty on the offense and repeat of the down.

e. Offensive Picking/Interference:

1. The offensive team may not initiate a pick/ block while in motion.

2. The penalty for this is a five (5) pace/yard penalty from the line of scrimmage. If a catch is made after a clear pick, it will be ruled no catch, five (5) pace/yard penalty from line of scrimmage.

3. Some acceptable incidental contact will occur while running routes and within the normal course of play, and will not be called.

f. Unnecessary Roughness:

i. Offense:

1. This includes any illegal tag such as grabbing jerseys or excessive pushing.

2. If the play is on going at the time the penalty is committed the penalty will be as follows: The penalty will result in a (ten) 10 pace/yard marked off from the line of scrimmage. Any catch made will be ruled incomplete and any yardage gained on the ground will not stand.

3. If the penalty occurs after the play the penalty will result in a 10 pace/yard marked off at the end of the play.

4. Extreme roughness will result in ejection from the game and or league if deemed necessary by the USS Referee.

ii. Defense:

1. This includes any illegal tag such as grabbing jerseys or excessive pushing.

2. If the play is “dead” at the time the penalty is committed and the offense has not advanced the ball the penalty will be ten (10) pace/yard marked off from the line of scrimmage and an automatic first down will be awarded.

3. If the play is on going or the offense has advanced the ball at the time the penalty is committed the penalty will be ten (10) paces/yards added on to the end of the play and an automatic first down will be awarded.

4. Extreme roughness will result in ejection from the game and or league if deemed necessary by the USS Referee.

iii. Defensive Pass Interference:

1. Ball is spotted at the point of the infraction and offense is awarded an automatic first down.

2. If the pass interference is in the end zone, the ball comes out to the one (1) pace/yard line and it will be 1st down.

iv. Additional Pass Interference:

1. Any player who attempts to prevent an offensive or defensive player from catching a pass by pushing, tripping, striking or pulling a player shall receive a pass interference penalty.

2. This rule still applies even after the ball has been tipped or touched by any player. This is a non-contact league.

3. There are no penalties for incidental contact.

v. Defensive Holding:

1. Five (5) pace/yard penalty from line of scrimmage, replay down.

2. Offense can accept or decline the penalty.

vi. Defensive Checking:

1. Five (5) pace/yard penalty from line of scrimmage, replay down.

2. The “bump and run” will not be allowed. No player may initiate contact at the line of scrimmage. There is no 5-yard Bump Zone.

vii. Pulled Flag:

1. If you pull a player’s flag before they catch the ball AND they do catch the ball, ten (10) pace/yards will be added to wherever they caught the ball.

2. There will be no penalty if they do not catch the ball.

3. DO NOT PULL the player’s flag before the catch the ball.

viii. Safeties:

1. A safety will be scored if a player is:

A. Tagged down in their own end zone (not on a punt return).

B. Runs out of bounds in their own end zone.

C. Snaps the ball out of the endzone.

D. If the offense fumbles the ball in their own end zone.

1. As a result, the team on defense receives 2 points, and the team on offense must now punt a “free” kick from their own 10 paces/yard line. Also, a player having intercepted a pass or received a punt in the end zone, cannot be tagged in the endzone for a safety unless he/she has previously crossed the plane of the endzone with the ball.

ix. Intentional Grounding:

1. This penalty will be called when a passer facing an imminent loss of yardage because of pressure from the defense, throws a forward pass, without a realistic chance of completion.

2. This will result in a loss of down (i.e. if it was 1st down during the penalty, it is now 2nd down). And the ball being spotted at the point of the infraction (Quarterback’s point of release).

x. Fighting :

1. Fighting is not allowed and will NOT be tolerated.

2. All parties involved in fighting will be subject to ejection from the game at the USS Referees discretion and subject to ejection from the league at USS staff discretion.

7. Miscellaneous

a. If the player calling the cadence does not receive the snap, the play will not stand and will result in a five (5) pace/yard penalty and a repeat of the down .

b. Silent snaps will not be allowed, violation of this will result in a five (5) pace/yard penalty and a repeat of down.

c. The Quarterback may not be in motion and then receive the snap,  this will result in a five (5) pace/yard penalty and a repeat of down.

d. If the Quarterback crosses the line of scrimmage and then throws a forward pass the defense can either decline the penalty or it will be a five (5) pace/yard penalty from the line of scrimmage and loss of down (i.e. if it was 1st down during the penalty, it is now 2nd down).

e.  If the ball hits the ground on the snap for either a pass or running play, the play is “dead”, the ball is spotted where it hit the ground, and it is a loss of down (i.e. if it was 1st down during the bad snap, it is now 2nd down).

f. The Quarterback may NOT snap the ball to him/herself. If the Quarterback does snap to him/herself, play will stop immediately and it will result in a five (5) pace/yard penalty and repeat the down.

g. Quarterbacks cannot cross the line of scrimmage or run until the Referee completes the five (5) second rush count. That is the same time the defense is allowed to rush.

h. Loss of down penalties which occur on 4th down will result in a change of possession.

i.  A half or game cannot end on a defensive penalty.

j. Receivers need only one foot in bounds for a reception. If in the Referees eyes a receiver would be able to legally catch a pass but, was pushed out of bounds by a defender while in the air a catch will be awarded.

k.  Receivers intentionally leaving the field of play are ineligible to receive a pass if they are the first person to touch the ball.. This includes the back of the endzone.

l. Diving is allowed.

i. Offensive players may dive to further advance the ball as long as they do not initiate contact.

ii. When this occurs the ball will be spotted where it is whenever the ball carrier is touched with two hands, his/her knee touches the ground, or when the ball touches the ground.

iii. Diving into or over a defensive player, will result in the player being down at the point of takeoff and there will be a five (5) pace/yard penalty against the Offense and loss of down.

j. When running the ball toward the end zone, the ball must cross the plane to be awarded a touchdown. In a passing play, at least one foot must be in bounds WITH possession of the ball to be awarded a touchdown.

k.  Only the ball needs to cross the plane of the goal-line in order for a touchdown to be awarded.

l. Any player who attempts to knock the ball out of the quarterbacks arm or hits the arm of the quarterback while in delivery will receive an “unnecessary roughness” penalty of ten (10) paces/yards. That includes the follow through.

8. Playoff Games

a. Playoffs will be the week after the last week of regular season and will be single elimination.

b. DC Fray will determine how many teams make playoffs.

c. Playoff games will follow the same format during regulation as the regular season.

d. If teams are tied at the end of regulation in playoffs an overtime will be used.

9. Overtime

a. In the playoffs the Four-Downs and Out format will apply.

b. The beginning of the game will start with a coin flip from an USS Referee.

i. The winning team deciding on offense or defense, (there is no option to decline).

ii. The losing team will decide which endzone to use.

iii. Teams will attempt to score in the same end zone. Each team will then have 4 downs to score from ten (10) paces/yards out from the goal-line.

iv. If a team scores, they will have the opportunity to go for one (1) or two (2) on the PAT.

v. An interception will result in a team losing its possession. The game will be decided when one team scores more points in the rotation.

vi. No 1st downs will be awarded except in the case of a penalty.

vii. Interceptions will result in a turnover and may not be returned for any points.

viii.. If the score is still tied after two complete overtime periods, each team must attempt a two-point conversion after they score a touchdown. From this point on all subsequent overtime periods will continue with each team attempting a two-point conversion after they score a touchdown. Overtimes ONLY apply in Playoffs.

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