Spirit Week Flashback to the 80's

Get your team together, brainstorm a funny meme idea, plan your outfits, and pose for your spirit week photo or GIF. When you’re all done, submit your photo into our Spirit Week Photo Contest for a chance to win;

1st Place: a Bar Party for you and your team!

2nd Place: $100 Bar Tab at one of our awesome sponsor bars!

How do you submit photos?  

Captains or designated A-type personality, submit your team’s image via email to [email protected] no later than 12 Noon on Tues May 17th, 2016. For best voting results make sure your lenses are clear and the image well-lit. The better looking the image, the more likes you’ll attract. Like Bees to honey!


How can I win?
DC Fray Staff will select a 1st place and 2nd place “Critics Choice” winner from teams that qualify by placing in the top 50% of liked photos.

Players will also get a chance to vote for their favorite photo’s, and crown a 1st place and 2nd place “Players Choice” 1st & 2nd place winners! (two top vote receivers by roster adjusted votes, Roster Adjusted Votes = Total Votes ÷ Number of Players on Roster)

What do you win?
1st Place; Players Choice & Critics Choice Winners get a Joint Private Party at one of our awesome sponsor bars & 2nd Place teams win a $100 Bar tab to a DC Fray sponsor bar. We will coordinate with winners on where they can party up!

How do you Vote?
Voting will open the week following Spirit Week! We will make an announcement to open voting and kick off all the fun.
